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Nat Ballenberg
Dec 30, 2020
Silver Linings Blog Post
The last 9 months have been...not the best, but being cooped up at home led to lots of incredible content creation. So here are 64 links
Nat Ballenberg
Jun 29, 2020
Can We Train Fastball Spin Rate?
Don’t count out the ability to train fastball spin rate just yet.
Nat Ballenberg
Jun 19, 2020
Mini Blog 5: Validating Stalker Pro IIs
Then we ran a simple correlation. The R-sqaured came out to .99.
Nat Ballenberg
May 8, 2020
Entrenamiento Moderno
En los últimos años se han visto la adopción de nuevos conceptos de entrenamiento...Aquí le presentamos los básicos.
Nat Ballenberg
Apr 14, 2020
Best Things I've Seen So Far In The 20's
With everyone stuck at home, what better time than now to dig into the best things I've seen so far in 2020.
Nat Ballenberg
Feb 25, 2020
Mini Blog 3: Variability in Training
It's really hard to know how much variability is good and when training for consistency within variable patterns goes too far.
Nat Ballenberg
Jan 20, 2020
Mini Blog 1: Elbow Stress, Velocity, and Inverse Dynamics
Is it possible that a pattern that creates a lower torque/velocity ratio actual increases stress on the UCL itself?
Nat Ballenberg
Aug 14, 2019
Mind Shaping
As of today - August 14, 2019 - pitching development is way ahead of hitting development. And in many ways, that makes sense. Pitchers...
Nat Ballenberg
May 17, 2019
Nutrition For Players
The one area in which I think players are consistently lacking is nutrition.
Nat Ballenberg
Apr 8, 2019
Lessons From a Trip To Driveline
One of my goals for 2018 was to invest specific amounts of time and money towards learning new things that could help make me a better...
Nat Ballenberg
Jan 24, 2019
Pitching Anatomy For Players
Knowing the basics of anatomy and how it relates to pitching can make things a lot easier for all of us, especially given the fact that...
Nat Ballenberg
Dec 28, 2018
Best Things I've Seen 12/28 (Pitching Edition)
I have come across a ton of great content in the past few months that I'm really excited to share. This is the first post in a four post...
Nat Ballenberg
Dec 15, 2018
Longtoss has been praised as a magic elixir of arm health and velocity. It has been demonized as over-aggressive insanity that puts the...
Nat Ballenberg
Oct 15, 2018
Bullpens are the most specific type of training pitchers can do to prepare for games. This makes them, in some regard, the most...
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